Monday, January 28, 2008

Valentine's Day Cards for Birthday

Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the month of February; the date of Valentine’s Day dedicated to love falls on 14th February. Valentine’s Day is celebrated throughout the globe. Valentine’s Day cards are a rage amongst the lovers who are keen to exchange their loving messages through paper cards and e-cards.

Valentine’s Day is dedicated to Saint Valentine; it is an annual holiday. Apart from sending cards another tradition that is associated with Valentine’s Day is gifting of candies. This day was patronized by Saint Valentine as a day of love and a day to do some charity donation; but it got connected to romantic love during the time of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Age.

Cupid, the Latin God of love is integrally associated with Valentine’s Day. It is generally believed that Cupid plays pranks on prospective lovers; he shoots his love arrow and immediately falls in love with each and other. Cupid has become a symbol of Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Day cards are found both in paper versions and in the form of online greeting cards. Archies and Hallmark have paper Valentine’s Day cards as well as their online card gallery. These two sites draw huge e-card traffic during Valentine’s Day. There are many sites which cater to Valentine’s Day cards. Some of the websites where you can get online Valentine’s Day cards are:


Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged by lovers to establish their bond and commitment towards each other. They express their utmost love towards each other through the lines that are printed as the text of the card. They can also personalize their messages and write a loving poem in honor of their beloved.

Some of the popular categories of Valentine’s Day cards are:

* Happy Valentine’s Day cards
* I Love You Valentine’s Day Cards
* Be My Valentine Cards
* Miss You Valentine’s Day Cards
* For Him Valentine’s Day Cards
* For Her Valentine’s Day Cards
* Friends Valentine’s Day Cards
* Chocolates Valentine’s Day Cards
* Crushes Cards
* Flirting Valentine’s Day Cards
* Cupid Valentine’s Day Cards
* Kiss Valentine’s Day Cards
* More than Friends Valentine’s Day Cards
* Soul Mates Valentine’s Day Cards
* Thank You Valentine’s Day Cards
* Flowers Valentine’s Day Cards
* First Valentine’s Day Cards
* Valentine’s Day Birthday Cards
* Belated Valentine’s Day Cards
* First Valentine’s Day Cards.

The lovers exchange gifts and give flowers to their beloved and soul mate apart from sending Valentine’s Day cards. Send a Valentine’s Day card along with cute gifts, flowers and make Valentine’s Day special and memorable. Valentine’s Day is a great way to reach your sweetheart even when you are far away from him/ her. Post a paper Valentine’s Day card or email an e-card from the Valentine’s Day e-cards websites and say what your feels on this day of love. With a Valentine’s Day card you can make him/ her feel special and say how much you care.If your birthday is on Valentine's day, send valentine's day cards on your birthday.

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